This site is an afternoon hack created to fill a need of my own: the ability to print and view Markdown in a appealing and typographically tasteful manner.
I am continuing to improve the site; checkout the TODO file on github to see where it’s headed, or submit a pull request.
*This text will be italic*Output:
**This text will be bold**This text will be bold
[Link Text]( Text
>This is a large blockquote from another author, and it will be indented. You will need to put a right angle bracket at the start of each paragraph. >Like this. Here is another paragraph in the blockquote.
This is a large blockquote from another author, and it will be indented. You will need to put a right angle bracket at the start of each paragraph.
A horizontal rule: --------------

Tex Math: $$\Delta p \Delta x \geq {h \over 4 \pi}$$Tex Math:
\*This will not be italic\**This will not be italic*